Ruth Susannah
Ruth serves the Board with her unique skills in communications and computer networking. She demonstrates a passion for empowering youth, especially young women. Ruth currently works at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, where she teaches and serves as the Director of Student Retention and Academic Advising.
Desmond Griffiths
Desmond has over 15 years experience serving on the boards of both Private Equity and non-profit organizations. He serves the board with his skills in strategic planning, leadership development, financial management, team-based execution, and the establishment of culture. He earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Windsor. Desmond is the father of 3 girls and has been married to his wife Kim for over 30 years.
Tom Collins
Tom Collins is the founder of FGP and served as the CEO for over two decades. Before launching Faithville, Tom served as the Children's Pastor at Windsor Christian Fellowship. When not dreaming up new shows to bless children and share the gospel, Tom works in his upholstery shop and on his farm. He also enjoys spending time with his children and grandchildren.
Jeff Gaspar
Jeff is dedicated to the Christian education of children. He lives this out at home and church along with his wife Lisa. In addition to serving Faithville as a crew member, Jeff also serves the board with his experience as an entrepreneur and computer networking professional. Jeff enjoys filming, editing, podcasting and anything to do with media production.

Becky Hope
Becky strives to honour Jesus in all areas of her life. Becky takes great pleasure in watching Faithville programs with her husband and 3 kids. Becky has served in kids’ ministry for over 20 years and demonstrates a passion for teaching younger generations about the love of Christ in fun and interactive ways. Becky is also a registered nurse and teaches nursing at St. Clair College.
Ann Fama
Ann holds a BA in psychology and a master’s degree in education. She brings 28 years of experience in children’s education to her board position. Ann has also served as a special education consultant at both the district level and for several provincial initiatives. She is also passionate about serving the church in short-term missions, kids ministry, and women’s ministry. Ann and her husband Carl enjoy spending time with their kids and grandkids.
Dave Harrison
Dave serves the board with a background of 25 years in Television Production at CBC. For the past 13 years he has been at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, teaching courses in Journalism, Public Relations and Media Convergence. He and his wife, Brenda, live in Lakeshore Ontario and together they have two adult children and six grandchildren.